Current NAV 07-02-2025
Min. SIP ₹300
Min. Investment ₹100
Returns (NAV as on 07-Feb-2025)
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This Fund | Category Avg. | Benchmark | |
1W | 0.24% | 0.087% | 1.56% |
1M | -0.58% | -0.661% | 0.09% |
3M | -0.91% | -0.27% | -3.44% |
6M | 0.19% | 2.481% | -1.16% |
1Y | 7.17% | 10.472% | 9% |
2Y | 12.06% | 12.186% | 16.63% |
3Y | 9.39% | 8.692% | 11.76% |
5Y | 10.86% | 9.832% | 15.58% |
ALL | 9.43% | 7.967% | 13.88% |
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Standard Dev | Sharpe | Beta | Alpha | |
Fund | 4.68% | 0.9% | 0.88% | 1.46% |
Category | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% |
Investors understand that their principal will be at Moderately High risk
Comparison Of HDFC Equity Savings Fund - GROWTH PLAN
Compare your fund with the top category schemes.
HDFC Equity Savings Fund - GROWTH PLAN
3Y Returns9.39% (p.a.)
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HDFC Equity Savings Fund - GROWTH PLAN
3Y Returns9.39% (p.a.)
Invesco India Equity Savings Fund - Regular Plan - Growth
3Y Returns9.2% (p.a.)
HDFC Equity Savings Fund - GROWTH PLAN
3Y Returns9.39% (p.a.)
Kotak Equity Savings Fund - Regular - Growth
3Y Returns10.67% (p.a.)
HDFC Equity Savings Fund - GROWTH PLAN
3Y Returns9.39% (p.a.)
Nippon India Equity Savings Fund- Growth Plan- Bonus Option
3Y Returns7.98% (p.a.)
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Start SIPPortfolio Summary (as on 31-Oct-2024)
An insight into your portfolio composition.
Equity65.71% Debt23.96%
Equity Market Cap
Top 5 Sectors of Equity
Banks 19.19%
Automobiles 7.11%
Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 4.99%
IT - Software 3.63%
Beverages 3.21%
Top 5 Companies of Equity
HDFC Bank Ltd. 8.24%
ICICI Bank Ltd. 4.73%
United Spirits Limited 3.21%
Axis Bank Ltd. 2.71%
Titan Company Ltd. 2.45%
Debt Market Cap
Top 5 Sectors of Debt
Top 5 Companies of Debt
7.18% GOI MAT 140833 2.45%
7.1% GOI MAT 180429 2.04%
State Bank of India (Tier 2 - Basel III) 1.47%
7.17% GOI MAT 170430 1.12%
7.38% GOI MAT 200627 0.98%
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More Funds From HDFC Mutual Fund
Scheme Name | 1M | 3M | 6M | 1Y | 5Y | |
HDFC Gold ETF Fund of Fund - Growth Option | 10.1% | 10.96% | 21.66% | 34.24% | 14.62% | |
HDFC Silver ETF Fund of Fund - Growth Option | 6.52% | 4.94% | 18.07% | 33.92% | 0% | |
HDFC Pharma and Healthcare Fund - Regular (G) | -3.63% | 0.83% | 10.93% | 33.25% | 0% | |
HDFC Developed World Indexes Fund of Funds - Growth Option | 3.94% | 7.55% | 18.55% | 25.69% | 0% | |
HDFC Technology Fund - Regular (G) | -2.22% | 1.46% | 9.09% | 23.05% | 0% | |
HDFC Focused 30 Fund - GROWTH PLAN | -1.06% | -2.94% | 1.54% | 19.08% | 22.62% | |
HDFC Flexi Cap Fund - Growth Plan | -1.29% | -2.93% | 0.83% | 17.91% | 22.45% | |
HDFC Defence Fund - Regular (G) | -11.39% | -13.87% | -16.22% | 17.47% | 0% | |
HDFC Transportation and Logistics Fund - Reg (G) | -1.56% | -3.43% | -7.46% | 16.53% | 0% |

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the current NAV of HDFC Equity Savings Fund - GROWTH PLAN?
Net asset value is the per unit price of the mutual fund. The NAV of funds changes every day. The latest NAV of HDFC Equity Savings Fund - GROWTH PLAN as of 07-02-2025 is 63.241.
What is the benchmark of HDFC Equity Savings Fund - GROWTH PLAN?
HDFC performance is primarily benchmarked against the NIFTY 500 TRI with NIFTY 50 TRI serving as an addition.
Is HDFC Equity Savings Fund - GROWTH PLAN a safe fund to invest?
Every fund has different types of risk which are mentioned in the risko-meter. The investors are advised to understand their risk tolerance and decide which type of fund they can invest in.
What are the top 5 holdings of HDFC Equity Savings Fund - GROWTH PLAN?
The fund's top 5 sectors holdings are Banks, Automobiles, Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology, IT - Software, Beverages,
How can I redeem my investments in HDFC Equity Savings Fund - GROWTH PLAN?
Redeeming your investments in HDFC Equity Savings Fund - GROWTH PLAN is super easy.
• If you have invested this fund via MySIPonline, just log into the app, go to the investment section, and place your redemption request.
• If you have invested this fund from elsewhere, go to the fund house website and place your redemption request from there.
Who manages this fund, and what is their expertise?
Anil Bamboli, Arun Agarwal, Srinivasan Ramamurthy, Nirman S. Morakhia, Dhruv Muchhal, with an extensive experience of 15 years while managing equity & related investments. He is focused on picking quality companies and holds them for a long duration to generate good compounding returns in their funds.
What is the expense ratio of HDFC Equity Savings Fund - GROWTH PLAN?
The expense ratio of a mutual fund means the charges that you pay to the mutual fund company for managing your investments in the fund. This fund has an expense ratio of 1.37%.
What is the AUM or size of HDFC Equity Savings Fund - GROWTH PLAN?
AUM or asset under management is the total value of the assets held by a mutual fund scheme. A fund with a high AUM means a lot of money has been invested in it. The AUM of HDFC Equity Savings Fund - GROWTH PLAN is Rs 5463.01 Crs. Crs.
Should I invest in HDFC Equity Savings Fund - GROWTH PLAN?
This fund has a consistency rating of which indicates that the fund has generated average returns. However, whatever returns that the fund delivers, it does so with exceptional consistency. You can consider this fund if the predictability of returns is what you are looking for.
How to start online SIP in HDFC Equity Savings Fund - GROWTH PLANs?
MySIPonline is a dedicated platform to start online SIP or mutual funds in any scheme of mutual funds. Firstly, the investor needs to complete KYC details, choose the best fund, add it to the cart, and make the payment through UPI, net banking, or debit card available on our site.
Is there any brokerage/advisory fees on Mutual Fund SIP transactions?
At MySIPonline, we do not charge any fees related to brokerage & advisory part. That makes us more accessible and cost-effective for a broader range of investors.