
Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund

Check list of all schemes, latest NAV, Returns and other important information

About Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund

Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund stands as one of India's largest mutual fund companies. It is affiliated with the Franklin Templeton asset management company. It has an extensive overall asset under management, this AMC offers a total of 43 schemes. Among these, there are 16 equity schemes, 20 debt schemes, and 7 hybrid fund schemes. In September 1996, this company launched Templeton India Growth Fund (now Templeton India Value Fund), its first mutual fund offering. This Mutual Fund House holds the 15th position out of other top AMCs. Franklin India Prima Fund, the flagship scheme has exhibited an impressive average annualized return of 19.37% since its inception.

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Investment Strategy

Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund provides a diverse array of alternative products encompassing both private and public investments, offering strategies ranging from unconstrained to hedged. Additionally, we venture into real assets, including real estate and infrastructure.


Head of Equity & Debt Team (CIO)

Mr. R Janakiraman (CIO equity)

R. Janakiraman is the Chief Investment Officer for Emerging Market Equities at Franklin Templeton. Joining the firm in 2007, he brings nearly 27 years of investment management experience and has excelled in managing diverse funds during his 16 years with Franklin Templeton. With a proven track record, currently overseeing multiple equity funds, Janakiraman is well-prepared to lead the investment strategy for Emerging Market Equities at the firm.


Mr. Rahul Goswami (CIO of debt)

Mr Rahul Goswami, the Chief Investment Officer (CIO) of fixed income at Franklin Templeton Asset Management, bringing a wealth of experience with over 24 years in managing fixed-income funds. His expertise spans investments in government securities, and corporate bonds, and includes a keen focus on monitoring key economic developments.


Key Fund Management Team

 Key Fund Management Team Franklin Templetion Mutual Funds


Top 5 Franklin Templeton Mutual Funds

Top 5 Franklin Templeton Mutual Funds


History of Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund

Franklin Templeton began its investment journey in India over two decades ago when it established the India office in 1996 as Templeton Asset Management India Pvt Limited. The Mutual Fund business took off in September 1996 with the launch of Templeton India Growth Fund. Since then, the business has steadily grown as part of the group's broader focus on global market investments.


How to Select the Best Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund?

Beginning with investing is an important first step, and making sound decisions is essential. Here are some simple yet crucial points to consider:

In summary, these elements assist you in making the best investment decision. To increase your chances of success, use the SIP Calculator for thorough research before embarking on your financial path.


How to invest in Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund with mysiponline?

You can invest in Top Franklin Templeton Mutual Funds in various ways where mysiponline stands out for its easy and simple way of investing - 


Lastly, our platform offers a simple and quick approach to begin investing immediately. It's like a package deal, where we offer all of our services at one location. Hurry now to take benefit of Online SIP in Franklin Templeton Investments Schemes.


What is the Taxation of Franklin Templeton Mutual fund?

The taxation of Franklin Templeton Mutual Funds in India depends on which category they fall under equity or debt.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which is better, Lumpsum or SIP while investing in the schemes of Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund?
The answer depends on your choice. If you have a thorough knowledge of the financial market along with surplus of cash, then you can consider Lumpsum mode of investment. Else, if you want to maintain a disciplined approach of investing then SIP is your thing to do.
What is the total number of schemes of Franklin Templeton Mutual Funds?
Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund has a total of 60 schemes across all the categories of mutual funds like debt, equities, hybrid, etc.
What are the documents required to start SIP in Franklin Templeton MF Schemes?
For taking SIP through MySIPonline, you will be required to submit the following documents- 1. Aadhaar Card 2. PAN Card 3. Photo of the applicant. 4. Signature of the applicant. Moreover, the choice between physical KYC or Video KYC will solely depends on you.
How can I select the best scheme of Franklin Mutual Fund?
You can see the detailed information about any scheme on MySIPonline. Past performance, risk-adjusted returns, along with the current NAVs are mentioned on our website. But before that, know your risk appetite, investment horizon, and future goal beforehand.
What is the minimum SIP investment required to start investing in Franklin MF?
The minimum amount of SIP depends from one mutual fund to another. But, most of the schemes of Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund requires minimum SIP investment of Rs. 500- Rs. 1,000.
Can I redeem my investments from the schemes of Franklin Templeton MF anytime?
Yes, you can redeem investments from most of the schemes of Franklin India Mutual Fund anytime. But, if you redeem the investment before a particular amount of time then you will have to pay the exit load, which is different for different schemes. However, there are some schemes which do not charge any exit load, such as Franklin India Liquid Fund, & Franklin India Ultra Short Term Fund. Moreover, in case of ELSS schemes there is a lock-in period of 3 years which means that you can redeem your investment only after 3 years. Furthermore, in case of pension fund, you can only redeem your amount after attaining the age of 58 years. To know about the exit load, read the offer document carefully before investing.
Does Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund has any low-risk funds?
The fund also gives an opportunity to the investors having low risk appetite to enter the mutual fund space. One of the top performing debt hybrid mutual fund is Franklin Hybrid Debt Equity Fund (G).
How to built a diversified portfolio with Franklin mf?
The primary objective behind constructing a diversified portfolio is to minimize the risk and capitalize the returns. Thus, you should try to include a combination of debt, equity, and hybrid schemes in your portfolio.
Does Franklin Templeton Mutual Funds also offer international mutual funds?
Yes! The fund also provides an opportunity to the investors to park their money in the international funds for constructing a diversified portfolio. Franklin India Feeder- Franklin U.S. Opportunities Fund (G) and Franklin Asian Equity Fund (G) are the two top performing international funds from the fund house.
How to get the latest updates regarding Franklin Templeton MF?
To get the latest updates regarding Franklin Mutual Funds, you can visit our blog section timely and give a read to our weekly published MF Research Report. The report covers all the latest updates regarding the financial market.

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