Dec 30, 2017 4 min read

Have You Bought New Diary for the New Year 2018?

Be the new you this New Year, maintain a diary to attain financial stability.
We all have excitement of buying a new diary each new year. However, only some of us use it for the right purpose and rest waste it simply in rough works. Do you know that this new diary can help you to stick to your new year’s resolution until the end?

Every new year we all promise ourselves so many things, but only some of us could keep it till the end. One of the best examples can be of the people who resolute it. But, very few of them actually stand by their promises. If you too are one of them, then this write-up will help you to learn how to stick to your new year’s resolution, and attain a better life. Not only the resolutions that you take to bring stability to your life but also it helps bringing financial stability.

1st January 2018 - The first page of your diary - The first day of a fresh new year.

Your new diary can help you strengthen your desire to accomplish your new year resolution effectively, be it a financial resolution, or any other. All you need to do is to follow the technique right from the beginning which is from “page 1 of 365.”

What Is Page 1 of 365?

Not a rocket science but just a simple technique to which we’ve given the name of ‘Page 1 of 365.” It’s just a simple technique of doing the homework daily. There is a great power in self-realisation. When you realise to yourself that what efforts did you put toward accomplishing your resolution, you get automatically motivated for more perfection. All you need to do is note down your progress each day right from the beginning and then find out the loopholes that you can fill in your next day’s performance. In simple words, you just need to record your daily work and get mentally prepared for the next day’s task.

What About My Financial Resolutions?

Most people make financial resolutions such as;

  • This year I’ll keep track of all my expenses.
  • I will cut off 50% of my useless spending.
  • I will definitely start saving this year for my future.
  • I’ll start investing in some best investments for better savings.

Although, all these resolutions seem quite good to be true, people habitually end up forgetting about them with the passage of time.

Tick to Stick to Your Financial Resolution:

Of course, you should not skip the technique of ‘page 1 of 365.’ Doing a little homework in all cases is a good habit. It is even helpful for your financial planning sustainability. Just note down your progress on the pages of the diary right from the first day. You can also include an additional column stating your accounting details such as your daily expenditures, income, etc. It will help you in keeping track of your expenditures and savings on a regular basis. By doing this, you can effortlessly attain control in your financial transactions. It will help you in maintaining stability in your current monetary dealings.

Moreover, you can also plan a long-term financial route to be traveled in future, with the help of this technique of ticking. Start a new investment in mutual funds through SIP. The point of suggesting a SIP investment plan is that it is a very supportive process for the investors who are willing to build massive wealth over a period of time. Now, you can simply keep a record of your investments by ticking as soon as you pay your installment and repeat the same on the next turn.

This way you can attain all your financial dreams in adequate time. You just need to be patient and focused.

Give time to the seed that you planted; it will grow to become a giant tree one day.’

Every new year brings happiness and excitement to the people so that they can start with something new, something good. You too can do it. Let’s take a vow this year to bring financial stability to your life by adopting healthy habits of investing.

It’s time to get associated with the experts to beat the financial hindrances that you face in your life. Register with us today and get rewarded with the benefits of our divine online mutual fund investment services. We, at MySIPonline, provide the best experience to our clients by simplifying their investment requirements.

In the end, we, the entire team of MySIPonline, heartily wishes you financial success in the all-new year 2018.

Happy New Year!!!!!

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